LED Retrofit

LED Retrofit in Ottawa.

LED Retrofit

Have you been thinking about an LED Retrofit for your facility or property?

Not sure how to go about it?

LED Retrofit Master Electrician

 You came to the right place!


Retrofitting your home means that you’re adding something new (such as technology, component, or accessory) that the building didn’t previously have or that wasn’t a part of the original construction. The term “retrofit” is very much a synonym with the term “conversion.” In the case of lighting, most retrofits that are happening today are LED lighting retrofits.

Many people have two main questions when switching to energy-efficient lighting:

      1. Can they keep their existing fixtures, or do they need to replace all of their current lighting equipment with a LED light fixture?

       2. What type of lighting technology should they switch to?

In many situations, the most accessible option that’s suitable for a wide variety of uses is LED technology. So, is making your property’s lighting more energy efficient as simple as switching to LED bulbs? The answer is yes. However, many fixtures will need to be either retrofitted with LED modules or replaced with new LED fixtures. Which should you choose for your transition to energy-efficient lighting? Let’s look at why LED is a reliable choice for your energy efficiency upgrade.

The Benefits of LED

LED technology is at the forefront of energy efficient lighting. Switching to LED will bring a range of benefits to residential, commercial, and industrial properties, such as:

Improved Energy Efficiency.

LED technology is highly energy efficient and will drastically reduce energy usage in all installations. Switching from traditional lighting to LED lighting solutions will reduce energy usage by 75% or more.

Retrofit LED Ottawa
LED Retrofit Ottawa

Reduced Maintenance.

LED lights can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent lighting. This increased life span reduces the maintenance needs of both indoor and outdoor lights.

Lower Heat Production.

Incandescent lighting uses most of its energy through the production of heat. LED lighting produces very little heat, which reduces energy use and lowers cooling costs.

LED Retrofit
LED Retrofit
Environmentally Friendly

The materials used to produce LED lighting are much more earth friendly than the materials needed for older types of lighting technology, such as fluorescent.


LED Retrofit in Ottawa


Call Us: 613-302-6789

Email: nick@mmselectric.ca